Janelle & I just finished a co-project for the upcoming Wardlow baby. Here's a photo:

Janelle found a website that shows you how to make your own stuffed animal, which ended up being pretty easy. It was really fun to do too. Sorry it's sideways.
Things have been going really well at Eastgate, especially since M&J have gotten here. The worship has gotten a much needed boost for which we are all grateful, including Riley.

Connor is turning 10 in a few days and has a big party planned. We will be out of town for the Jags game, so I'll miss it...any gift ideas would be much appreciated. I thought of movie tickets for a man-date with Matt and/or Rob & Riley to watch a guy movie and Connor says he wants some legos and video games.
Here's one more photo I took yesterday from the yard, I'm real proud of my hibiscus. We had some serious rain last night! Burning House was going to be on the beach but because of the rain it was inside. We're gonna try next month.
Dad's plans for the Sudan are starting to come together, but I'll let him update you on that. The dates will be November 15-December 2, and he will be going with Tom Randles who will stay for at least a year and Dave Pierce who will travel to and fro with dad. He is also taking the first two weeks of October off, but there are 3 trips planned during that time. One to J'ville for the game, one to Tennessee to stay in a cabin for 3 days and one to Merritt Island for a pastor's day.
I'm looking forward to hearing back from all of you kids-in fact, that is my only reason for making this post. ;o) So, please update your goings-on as soon as you have time in your busy lives. Love to you all