Friday, February 19, 2010

Mmm... I'm Hungry!

It's past noon and I'm still in my pajamas. Of course, I should do homework, but Brad has rubbed off on me, and now I'm getting into the habit of reading blogs! Mine are mostly craft blogs though. Since I have the extra time (job hunting is surprisingly difficult) I want to learn to do something like quilting, or paper crafts, or knitting. I just don't know where to start. I really really want to learn to quilt, but I can barely sew right now, so I should probably take it one step at a time. Maybe I should just try knitting...or weaving...or watercolors....blah!!

Tomorrow, our group from church is having a Valentine Social/Potluck. The guys are making the main courses, and the women are making desserts - my favorite! So tonight, a few of the women are hanging out, making a two-tiered cake for the social, and eating spaghetti. I'm thankful for little opportunities like this to get to know some of them better.

This is Bradley and I having lunch at the church...yes, it was delicious :)


  1. YUMM!!! You should learn quilting and then you can teach me and then I can teach you how to knit!

    I wish we lived closer and then we could work on arts and crafts together please.

  2. Please teach me to knit and please everyone move least for a few years...then maybe we could all move back.

  3. I'm so stoked you guys have found a church community to plug in with.

  4. Well, we did all end up following Brad to Jacksonville....the snow is a hard sell though.
