I took this picture about a month ago, and still think it's pretty funny, so I thought I would share with you.
Most of my news you probably already know about via Facebook. Like the fact that we got a new car, which is still AWESOME and it makes us want to take trips every day. It's good on gas too, a lot better than the old Camry. I'm just wandering if I can be classified as being in the Camry family having only one at our house...because I would really like to be.
I'm also really excited about our trip to Atlanta in August. We plan on meeting my dad & brother out there and spending two nights, Friday and Saturday, coming home on Sunday. Matt & Janelle will go up there with us and Jess, Dan & Mel will meet us there (sorry Brad/Jamie). My latest project has been trying to figure out a hotel situation. We like the idea of being across the street from the game, but the hotels are sort of pricey and have some pretty bad reviews on tripadvisor. Also, they are really ONLY close to Turner field, and nothing else. I'm thinking about the first night staying downtown and the second night staying by the ball field. Any ideas/suggestions are most appreciated, and I would be happy to share my google earth map as well as my google doc with all of the accumulated hotel info.

Here's the next photo. It's a little dark, but I love it. This was taken last December when all you guys were together last.
Dad has been updating Rabbi Encounters and has moved it to its own site now, rabbiencounters.com. It looks a lot better now I think and is more like he wanted it to to look all along. He also re-did some of the artwork more to his liking before he uploaded everything.
A lot of changes around Eastgate, mostly the people that are moving I guess. There is Dustin/Leah, Ford/Melissa, Mike Kern, Curt (the keyboard player)/Sue, and the Hayes family. Also Leah/Thomas and their friends as well as ours John/Jenny Pipkin. It feels weird, but maybe it means that some new people will coming soon, that would be nice.
I had a great visit with Aunt Madi, she posted several photos on Facebook that you probably have already seen. I think she had a good time too, because she has been saying that she & Don are going to have to be snowbirds one day so that they can live here for 3 months at a time. She really liked Burning House too and Matt & Janelle and said how she wishes that her kids would get involved with a church, and less involved with their party friends. She has encouraged Natalie to do so and Natalie has been asking Madi for prayer (yes, prayer) to help her find a job. God may be up to something.
Okay, the last photo, and I saved the best for last. Ever since we burned a few of the pine cones from this basket, the cats have taken it over.
Oh yeah, we also trade

Robbie Hudson and his family are supposed to be visiting a week from today for a couple of days. His wife just had a miscarriage though, and she may not be up to the trip. I'm sure they would appreciate your prayers.
Love to all of you-
Great post and pictures Mom! (Who needs a cat condo when you have a cat/pine cone basket?)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are enjoying the fuel-efficient Camry. Melissa and I hardly spent any money on our trip to Tennessee in her little Kia. I'm also pleased to hear about Aunt Madi's visit; you have always been the bestess hostess.
It sure does sound like Eastgate is changing quite a bit... it might be because of the economy, though. Melissa's sister Kathleen said the unemployment rate was somewhere like 25 - 30% in PC, which is simply outrageous!
I might have to steal that photo for facebook, if it's not already there. Oh, and I am opening another window to go click some ads at rabbiencounters.com.
- Daniel
P.S. Sorry Brad and Jamie, but Melissa and I are really excited about the Atlanta trip, depending on my job situation, (which I have a second interview set up next week for an assistant manager position at a nearly brand new in-door storage unit building thing...) we would really like to stay both nights, but we shall see... :)
Yay for updates! I'm so glad that you & Aunt Madi had a good trip, I know God used it to work on her heart.
ReplyDeleteI want to see a picture of the new couch, for some reason I have a hard time imagining the set-up.
Oh, and Hussey got your card and she thought it was so sweet.
I'm excited about Atlanta too and when I get back I'll help with the hotel search, I love that kind of stuff!
Love you more though!
ReplyDeleteHearing about home always makes me homesick. :( But I'm glad things seem to be going pretty well! I'm also really glad you added photos! It makes the reading all the more rich!
Hey, concerning the Rabbi Encounters website, I really want to strongly suggest you remove the part about clicking on the adds. Google tracks such things and Dad could end up owing them if they find out (which they can easily) if friends and family are clicking the adds. It's considered far worse, too, if they were directly asked to do so.
So don't click the adds unless you really are intrigued by the product. Otherwise, it could be really bad news.
I'm sorry for being such a downer. :(
Anyway, I'm glad to hear about Aunt Maddi! I'll also be sure to keep Robbie in my prayers.
Wow there are a ton of changes! I definitely feel like we've been away too long.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for the Atlanta trip you guys are taking! Brad and I went to a Rays/Sox game tonight and it was freezing, but really fun :)
Glad to hear from you!
Wah, thank you Bradley...Dad has been trying to tell me the same thing, but I was skeptical (sorry Rob). Now, do you need to edit your post?
ReplyDeleteIn other news, it's so good to hear from all of you. Last night we skyped with Jessica before she left for Italy and thought how nice it would be to do that with Dan/Mel and Brad/Jamie too!