Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cakes, Carpet and Cameras

Hey Kids!

Well, it's been a super long time since we have updated this, but I just had a few things I wanted to share, and this seemed like the best place.

Janelle had a bake sale at Eastgate a few weeks ago and I used my new cupcake pan from Christmas (thank you!) as well as the cake-pop cookbook to make some goodies for it. Here's some of the photos:

The bake sale went super well (but Janelle will probably want to give you all the details), and she raised a bunch of money which she used to buy new tables for the kids rooms.

Also, we finally got new front room's before and after photos:

It may be sort of hard to tell, but the new carpet is sort of an olive-green's super soft and we avoid it at all costs...seriously, dad & I walk through the dining room and family room in hopes that it will last.

One more thing: my dad sent me a web camera and your dad & I were thinking that we should do an occasional family video chat. Does anyone need a web cam? If you do, we would be happy to send one your way, otherwise, what will be the best time for everyone?

Between dad & I, any evening except Wednesday would be fine...any Saturday except the 3rd Saturday would be good. Just let us know and we will try to do a family hangout on google.

We miss all you kids so much and look forward to talking/seeing you again soon-



  1. I'm so glad you posted! I've been missing the updates from everyone.

    Wow, your goodies look so professional!

    I think that Monday or Tuesday nights and Saturdays would be best times for us. Sounds like fun!

  2. Mom, I'm so impressed by your sweets. That is super fancy!

    I can't wait to see your new carpet in real life, and the story about you and dad avoiding it is so cute!

    I work night shift on Tuesday, so Monday or Saturday would be good for me.

  3. Monday or Saturday works for us as well... that will be really fun!! This makes me want to post more often on this too!

  4. Jamie tells me that Saturday nights would actually be the only workable Saturday time -- which is great Jamie, because I work Saturday nights. Thanks for thinkin' o' me babe!

    I'm free most week nights. And even when I'm not free, I'm sitting at the computer anyway, so if you guys find the right government website, you should be able to spy on me via my webcab -- which I know the government uses even when it's unplugged. OH-bomm-UH!?!

  5. Great post and photogs Mom! Mel and I are available anytime after 5pm central time and all day on the weekends (for the most part). We definitely have a webcam built into our laptop, but I've never used the google interface before; so I might need a little time to comprehend it's non-skype ways. However, I am seriously looking forward to the idea of us all having a little face time so far apart!!

    - Daniel

  6. Wait...I think Jamie said "Saturday", not "Saturday nights" are your Saturday-days Bradley?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hey...let's start posting here again...I miss this too!

  9. I was thinking Saturday day at first, but then I remembered that for the month of March I will have class on Saturdays. Monday nights seem good for everyone.

  10. Monday's are okay, but I often do not get home until 6, so it would have to be after that...if that's okay.

  11. Yes, Melissa & I don't get home until 6:00 eastern time / 5:00 central time, so that works for us. (We can't talk for more than 2 hours though so that we can watch the voice!)

  12. Okay, so let's try for this Monday, February 20th at 6:00 central, 7:00 est, okay??
