Friday, March 5, 2010

Volleyball, Pillows, and...Burying Bread?!

Yesterday, I had lunch with some people from our fellowship group and found out that a bunch of people get together and play volleyball every Thursday night in the church's gym. So I texted Brad at school, trying to see if he might get out of class early to go play, and he did! We scrambled over there, only to find out that they were starting later than we expected, which actually works out better so we can just go when Brad gets home from class. We both had some terrible mess ups, but then some great plays too and we're looking forward to going again next week.

I've decided that I'm going to try making some big pillows for our futon. It seems like a simple enough project to start with and I think it could bring some personality (and comfort) to our "living room." Although, I have a feeling it is going to take me awhile to locate the materials I will need, mostly because I'm not really sure what all I need. Planning is tough for me, I just want to go buy some cool fabric, sew some pieces together, and magically have it turn out amazing!

Tonight is date night. Our plan is to try an Ethiopian restaurant that was recommended to Brad and then come back to the apt and watch Amazing Grace. I'm really excited about the restaurant. We watch a lot of PBS because it's the only thing on in the daytime, and I keep thinking about a travel show we saw a few days ago about Morocco, where they were crossing a desert and made bread by burying the dough in the sand! How crazy!


  1. Oh that's awesome!! It seems like you guys are adjusting so well! I'm so happy for you two!!

    I think if you get thick foam sheets it will help the pillows to not get too thin really quickly... or you could just stuff it really full... otherwise it will go limp early and make you sad... and you know to sew it inside out right so the seams don't show? is this coming across stuffy?? I'm just remmebering advice given to me.

    I WANT TO PLAY VOLLEY BAll NOW! And I want a yard to bury dough in.

  2. I love to hear that you and Brad are making friends and being social. You are a great influence on him! ;)

    Good luck with the pillows, post pictures when you get them done. I'd love to see them.

  3. I didn't even think of putting foam in them...that's a good idea!

    I just ordered some fabric! Yay! I think I'm going to take pictures as I am making them and post about it on Homebody.

  4. Foam is a really good idea, maybe like cut up squares of it, I guess? Maybe you could do a mixture of foam and pillow stuffing so it's not lumpy.

    I learned how to make the bridesmaid dresses for Janelle by googling it, and I bet if you googled "How to make a pillow" it would give you the step by step. Exciting project for you!

    Love the volleyball too-how fun to be able to do a sport together.

  5. Unfortunately, I can't find foam/stuffing that isn't too expensive...the problem is that we got excited about the idea of pillows and we wanted to make at least five big ones, which would require a lot. I'm still looking around though.
