Jake and Julie's wedding was last weekend! All in all, it went very well.... except my headband ended up looking like a tiara (doh!!!) so I felt like the classic "remember when it was all about me last summer?" girl at the wedding... But, the scenery was breathtaking and the people were fun, and we got to dance and that was great and warmed us up!
We had alpha on Tuesday night and thankfully it went really well! The week before got a little hectic and matt and I were both nervous that no one would show up again the following week, however, everyone but 1 came back and we had a great discussion about why Jesus dying on the cross was important. It's so weird to be confronted on questions and issues that I haven't thought about in a while, but it's also good because it gets me thinking again and such.
oh and the cat picture you see is one that i found on the work computer, I thought it was pretty hilarious and deserved to be shared!
Tonight Jessica, April and I are going to Matt's Parents house (because they are out of town on their 31st anniversary) and we're going to watch Far and Away in tradition with St. Patty's day. Dad- are you making your corned beef?? We had some at alpha last night.... I ate some and it's such a different flavor.
Celebrity Apprentice started on sunday- you guys need to watch it because SINBAD is on it!!
And was everyone else extremely dissapointed with who got kicked off idol last week?
I think that's all... excpet that if you have learned nothing from this, then please remember the SNL episode with Zach G. is worth watching more than once and Conan O'B. is on tour but too expensive to afford tix.
Carl says he hates you and loves you at the same time.
Hooray! For Carl!
ReplyDeleteAs for the rest of your post, I didn't quite understand what you were trying to say. I guess all my difficulties boil down to this quote:
"blah blah blah cat picture blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah hilarious blah blah blah blah blah!"
Here's what I really want to know: What did the cat ask Santa for? Did he get it, or did he haff to claw Santuh's face? This is the information I think you really left out.
(But seriously: I'm glad to hear that Alpha is going well and that J & J's wedding went well! Now Jamie, Julie, Jessica, and Janelle are all -- however indirectly -- related! All we have to do is change Melissa's name to Jelissa and our little cult will be ready to go!)
Yay, I'm excited about tonight. (Be warned - I will be blowing my nose every 5 minutes.)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm ashamed that I have not watched the SNL episode with Zach Galkjsdfidg yet! I will get on that right away!
its at the parents house and is now on our list of things to do for tonight!
ReplyDeleteGreat post and great comments, you kids just quack me up!
ReplyDeleteAt Aunt Madi's wedding, the bridesmaids wore yellow dresses with these small sleeves that came right to the shoulder. I kept asking everyone if my sleeves were in the right spot, of were they too far off the shoulder? They kept saying they were fine, but when I saw the pictures, mine were a lot lower than everyone else's. I felt like I was a hussy! Your tiara story reminded me of that...
Oh mom, you and your scandalous sleeves!!