Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This is my life now at the clinic. This angel of a lady who passes out cookies for her job (part of the company's advertising is giving free cookies to local businesses) brings us cartons of cookies weekly for FREE!!! They are made at Sam's and are always chewy and fresh tasting. There is an assortment of snickerdoodle, chocolate chunk, macademia nut, and M&M... it's all so good.
The problem is, I keep skipping meals to eat 7-10 cookies a day, really throwing off my whole "diet thing". Just give it time and I'll be blue and fuzzy and will only answer to "Cookie Monster" as my name. (Maybe THEN Carl will love me)
I had a good visit to Panama City. I thought only going for one night would feel too short and I'd be sad to leave so soon, but I felt like so much was done and had lots of bonding that I didn't feel sour at all leaving on Sunday. For the first time I'm really, genuinely excited about moving to Panama City. God is crazy like that.
Also, last night before bed I felt such peace. It was awesome! I just feel like before I was in such a slump and right now is the complete bounce back from that. Anyway, so last night, for the first time, Matt decided to help me work on the budget and balance our account. He hated it, but knew that it was a good idea to be more involved in that area (yay)! So when we finished balancing our account, paying our bills, etc. We realized that RIGHT NOW our goal for a moving budget is already reached, everything in our account is in the green and we have the exact amount of money we need to do everything we want for our 1 year anniversary (one day of buying junk food, one day of disney world, and one day of seeing 3 movies). I love budgets and I love it even more when they work. (Obviously God helped us with that too)
So I think that's it. We are studying Roman's in our small group and that's really fun...however I don't know what we're gonna do when Jess isn't there tomorrow night because she's the one who comes with all the background info for us to debate about.
Love you guys!!!
p.s. i couldn't get the spacing right


  1. This whole post makes me happy because -

    1. Cookies are the best and having a cookie monster for a sister would be the best.
    2. I completely agree with your assessment of the Panama City trip, however I do wish we had more pool time.
    3. I love that God is working in your life and opening your eyes to the fact that he loves you and that his plan for you is GOOD!
    4. I like that I will be missed! :D


    All I get at work are fistfuls of noodles and balls of sticky rice!

    I'm glad you're exciting about moving to PCB! I'm excited too about moving back to Florida in like a thousand years! We really miss everyone!

    I'm so proud you are such a good budgeter! I hope to be as good as you once our income settles (i.e. one we start having incomes).

  3. Oh, and one more thing: This post was perfect except for the woeful lack of this picture:


  4. Hahahaha!! That picture is perfect!

  5. I get a little queazy just thinking about eating all those cookies without any meat or potatoes. But anyway, I am glad that you are feeling more comfortable with moving back to PC. I really think that Melissa and I might end up there if she can find the right job. Which could be really cool when you guys live there.
    Perhaps you could keep a diet journal, so that you can look back and track your progress, in so perhaps gaining a little tenacity towards the whole endeavor. Just a thought...

  6. I'm glad this conversation finally got off the cookies and on to meat and potatoes. I agree with meat and potatoes.

    I'm glad you had a good trip here, and I'm looking forward to this weekend when we come out THERE! We had a blast in Chicago, but we'll give you the low down in person.

    You must watch this: Cat Talking
