Monday, May 17, 2010

Just checking in...

Hey Kids-

Jessica has been prodding me to update something here...and I'm sorry I have been slacking. Things are way too busy in my life right now. I can feel the creeping tendrils of depression trying to wrap around me and give me that suffocating feeling. It happens most often when I have a lot of things on my plate that need to be attended to. Lots of weddings this summer...just got finished with one yesterday. Actually, yesterday I taught at our regular two services, then went to surf-n-grill where we baptized 10 people, then I performed a wedding ceremony at the west end of the beach. Mom and I were wiped out after we ate sushi to sort of reward ourselves.

We are planning on going to 1 service (copying what Vineyard did last guys doing that again this year?)...really mixed responses from people about that. Yesterday did seem pretty full both it may just be an epic fail...who knows. It's still worth a try.

Mom has been getting all the arrangements ready for our Chi-town trip next month. I am jonezin for that kind of getaway. Wish we could ALL go.

The Jasmine is in full bloom, and it makes me think of Seagrove and my little kids playing in the pool, or conducting sand war operations on the beach. I smell the sweet Jasmine, and I miss you children so very much...and I hope I've told you often enough how much you each mean to me. I'm a rich man because of you.

Ok...the old man is rambling (this'll learn ya' Jessica, never ask the old one to update!).

Here's a few of the finished pages from my comic book...what do you think?


  1. Wow, and here you guys thought you were going to get some time off after the graphic novel. Speaking of which, just reading those pages makes my eyes water. Artistically I like the silhouette you did on the second page, (especially those painted palm trees behind the silhouette.) I also like the way you had the torn pages of the bible falling down the page. The way they look in that white space just gives you that feeling of dread about what will be on the next page. Almost like they're a "..."

    Anyway, in other news I'm super excited about our trip and am determined to start doing some research on our activities. It's going to be so much fun! (But I also do wish everyone could come too.)

    I can't wait to see you this weekend and enjoy the new pool! Whoo-hoo!

  2. Dad that comic is incredible...which is such an understatement...seriously!!! I can't wait to read all of it. Have you heard the VOM response to it all yet? Does that family know that made this?

    I'm so sorry about being overwhelmed- I hate that for you. But it will be nice when I live there and i can bring a bucket of spaghetti over to fight off the depression (maybe you could draw a picture of a giant superhero that is made of spaghetti beating up evil doers-maybe?)

    ...and if there is any doubt whatsoever (coming from your head or other people) matt and I are BOTH excited about moving back. He's ready to live somewhere new even a little more so than me :)
    And...he is willing to call you himself and tell you that if needed/wanted etc.

    I love you dad and remember that a sabbath is biblical and you don't want to be rude and not take one at least once a week! A real sabbath too... not one of those sneaking off and working when God's not looking kind.

    love you lots and carl talks about you all the time

  3. What a teaser! I can't wait to see it all together. I really liked the torn pages too.

    Brad and I are so happy that you guys are coming to visit!!!

    mmm spaghetti - one of the ultimate comfort foods (after chocolate, of course)

  4. I want to go to there.....PC, that is! Don't believe the haters!

    We are both nervous about moving somewhere without having anything planned, but more excited about knowing what God wants and doing it in spite of ourselves and what other people may say. We know that our time there is going to be incredible, no matter what the circumstances.....

    so turn that frown upside down, daddy-o!

