Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sorry I haven't updated for awhile. It's mostly because my classes have taken up all of my free time. Two of my classes are only 8 weeks, which means that I'm in the middle of midterms now, plus we have all of these crazy projects and papers...yuck. I'm so glad I only have a few more weeks of this! Meanwhile, Brad has been busy this week too because he started working on Monday.

In other news, this week has been very warm and sunny - even hot at times. I finally got a chance to enjoy it today when I was running errands. And one of those errands was getting some groceries in Chinatown, which is always exciting because they have fruits and veggies that you can't find at a regular store, and they're super cheap! One of our favorites is lotus root. It is really tasty sauteed with other veggies or in stir fry. Yum!

I wish I has something exciting to say, but I can't think of anything right now. I will leave you with a picture of a fort we built in the living room a few weeks ago. It might not look like much, but it was perfect for eating more-pop-tarts-than-anyone-ever-should and watching Ghosthunters!
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If you look closely, you can see SpongeBob glowing through the sheet :)


  1. you guys are awesome! I'm always begging people to build a fort and everyone always says "why, all you do is sit in it?" but we both know there's way more to it than that.

    i'm sorry you've been so busy...when will you be done with your masters?? (did i spell coarses wrong?) i'm sad we don't get to visit you guys but know I'm there in spirit.. i keep having horrible nightmares about new york, so maybe i'm supposed to move to chicago instead? (With matt of course)

    thanks for the picture and the update- you guys are incredibly cute

  2. just realized I took out the part where I said coarses and now i look like an idiot because i just remembered it's spelled courses...

  3. Wow...this makes me feel so warm inside, I could burst. Then again...I DID eat pizza last night, so that may have some bearing on it...but no, no...I'm pretty sure it's pop-tarts and forts that got me so happy.

    Cannot WAIT to see you guys! Love you both!!!

  4. This is soo cool! I really need Melissa to see this... I am very happy that you two are making a wonderful life out in Chi-town. Have you seen any of Barack Obama's family yet? I suppose it is a big city...

  5. The Obama family is actually just now in town for the first time since 2008. But they're all related anyway... Chicagoans, that is.

  6. I love you guys! What is it that makes pop tarts and forts so comforting? Either way, you guys are brilliant for thinking of it. I hope things start to slow down for you both so that you can enjoy more cozy times in the future!


    P.S. What's the story behind Bradley's job, I feel like it just came out of nowhere.

  7. Janelle: Were you guys thinking of moving to NY? And if so, I completely agree that those dreams were a sign! NY is lame. Come here!
    I will get my masters in the May or June of 2012. Wow, writing that makes it seem so far away!

    Jess: Brad got an Americorps position for the summer at the Pui Tak Center, where he has been tutoring.

  8. I love the fort too, but it's already been said how cool and cozy it is so I guess I don't have to say it again!

    Rob and I feel like we see you regularly on tv and in the movies and whenever we see an actress that makes us think of you (usually she's Asian for some reason), we both chime in together and say, "Jaaaamieeeeee!!!!" Either way, we miss you and are looking forward to seeing the real Jamie in person!

    The Chinatown food market sounds soooo cool.
