Monday, May 10, 2010

When I grow up...

Well, I have been feeling rather antsy lately. I'm not happy with what I'm doing and have started considering going back to school. I was thinking about majoring in English and teaching in middle or high school. I love literature and my English teachers, (Mrs. Davis and Cobb) were the two teachers who had the most impact on my life by far. I like the idea of impacting lives like that.

Unfortunately, I got an e-mail from Bright Futures this year saying that my 100% scholarship was over, (because of the time limit.) I believe there is a way to reapply for it, I'm just not sure how. I've got lots of research to do and the deadline to sign up for fall classes is June! Ah!

As most of you know April is moving back to Panama City at the end of the month. She's still going to pay her half of the rent though until the lease is up. Which means I get a two-bedroom apartment all to myself!!! Yay!!

With all this new space on the horizon I've been thinking about hosting a small group. Janelle was really the one who planted the seed in my mind. I go back and forth daily on whether or not I'm ready for that. I feel like I've grown a lot since moving here, but it's just sort of terrifying, the idea of being back in a leadership position. But, on the other hand it's sort of exciting. I was thinking I could work on my cooking skills by cooking dinner for everyone and we could pick a book in the Bible and go through it chapter by chapter. I could research each chapter before hand and come up with different discussion topics. But, that sounds like a lot of work, so I get scared again and think that I shouldn't do it.

Oh, and be praying for my neighbor Meghan. She's been having a lot of issues with her husband lately. I actually got the opportunity to pray for her the other night, which was so cool, (and scary). But, the troubles are continuing and she's starting to feel like divorce is inevitable. She's just really sad and I know God is what she needs, it's just hard to know what to say. I've been trying to be there for her though. It's funny how other people's problems can really wear you down. I know God will work through it though. She's another reason why I'd like to host a small group. I think she would come and I think it might be good for her. Heck, her husband might even come too if I can figure out a child care set-up. Actually, I'll have April's room and I could always pay Savannah, (another neighbor in high school) to watch kids. But their son's bedtime is pretty close to when I would want to start the meeting, (7:00) so I don't quite know how it would work.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I love you all and can't wait to see what's been going on in your lives!


P.S. I saw Iron Man 2 this weekend and it was kind of cheesy but really fun. Have you guys seen it? What did you think?

P.P.S. Cotton is really cute, but is starting to enjoy biting my face more than I would prefer. I blame Carl's big fluffy influence.


  1. i think that you should do the small group...and it seems like the only reason for not doing it is because of maybe fear? which is no excuse :P

    as for childcare... something will work out- maybe they could rotate weeks of who goes? I just hate for you to pay for dinner for everyone and pay for a babysitter...that's a lot of moolah.

    love you and thanks for updating...but no thanks for the inappropriate carl shout out.

  2. That all sounds very exciting, and I would be more than happy to help you with researching the Bright Futures stuff if you'd like. You've always been ambitious and have been able to handle whatever you take on, whether it be a work or school or church related issue.

    I would suggest using some sort of pre-done Bible study. That will save you bunches of time and you can still mock it and make it your own as you please, but it will give you something to start with.

    Childcare is always a tough issue, but I love the way Ruth Peterson did it...she asked a teenager to watch the children and offered $20 for the duration. That may seem like a lot, but maybe some of the parents could pitch in. The other thing is to find out how much of a need it is first, and then go from there-

    Poor Cotton, but (sorry Janelle) Carl is a bit of a bruiser.

  3. Do you have any suggestions for a pre-done bible study?

  4. I'm very excited for you, Jessica, because I know you're on the brink of something great! For my own selfish reasons, I hope you do go back to school and get some English degrees -- because then we could crack jokes about Alexander Pope and John Donne (and other forgotten poets that only English majors are nerdy enough to really care about)!

    Also, I could see you being a great teacher. Perhaps God is leading you to teach a small group to prepare you for teaching a classroom?

    But more importantly: WHY YOU DIDN'T PUT ANY PITURES OF COTTON ON TEH POST?!11!?!?1!one!!?1?!eleven

  5. That would be great if you could renew your scholarship!

    I definitely think you could lead a bible study - what an exciting way to use that new space! I started going to a women's bible study here and it has been such a huge blessing. We really encourage and challenge eachother.
    I'll be praying for you!

  6. Here's one idea of a small group study based on Blue Like Jazz:

    Sorry, don't know how to make that a hyperlink, but I'm sure you can figure it out.

  7. Iron Man 2=awesome! reminded me of how good the original was. and sam rockwell was so good in it, along with everyone else.

    I am sooooo excited about you doing a bible study. I remember when you said you wanted to do one thinking, "yep, that is exactly right." just a suggestion: don't get caught up too much in responses and structure. Just make sure you find where God is and go there. you will do great!
