Thursday, May 20, 2010


Last night was my last week being at Burn. It was so surreal... The Burn before this one, I started to lose it emotionally, but I stopped myself, thinking "next time will be my last one....i will save my tears for then." But then I was so mentally prepared for it, it almost felt like business as usual. I only cried one time (which is saying something for me...i'm a such a girl). I said at the end of worship that I alwas really felt like Burn was my true church family, seeing as how I have been the worship leader of it for 7 years, and I am where I am because of the friendships that have been nurtured there and the lessons God has taught me. It's so weird for it to be over, but Katie will do an amazing job when I go.

We are watching American Idol right anybody else watching it this year? I think Lee is my favorite, but that's very telling of this year's contestants. I normally would've written him off, but it's been such a blah year. I am starting to hate singer-"songwriters"...

Speaking of annoying singer-songwriters, the porchlights record is almost completely complete! I will try and get a few for you guys!

Let's see, what else....anyone see Robin Hood? HATEDHATEDHATED IT! I can't even list all the things I hated about it: Not enough arrows, only ONE scene of stealing, almost no "merry-ness" from the merry men, etc etc....basically a bland gladiator with new names...awful

love you guys and can't wait to see you again! it has been too long.



  1. I'm so sad that you're moving to PC and not Chicago! I think there's simply not enough beards in Cook County... That being said, I just shaved my beard yesterday, so you should move here to make up for mistake.

    I'm sorry you didn't like Robin Hood. I was hoping it would be good, but I've heard nothing positive about it.

    The Porchlights album excites me! WANT.

  2. Ugh so sad...moving is so hard! But I am excited to see what comes your way in PC.

    Hooray for your almost completely complete CD!!

  3. That is such a tough move to make when Burn and Jax have been home sweet home for so long, I feel for you. While you worry how Riley will feel about you helping out, we worry that we won't begin to measure up to the greatness that is out there. I guess this is where trusting God comes in though, from both sides.

    Looking forward to seeing you again too Matt. I can't tell you how many times we have said "Maybe Matt will want to (fill in the blank here) when he moves here?" We're soooo excited.

  4. I'm really excited about you guys moving here! I think Riley is too...I think he's looking forward to having someone share the responsibilities with.

    I think this will be my last year watching American Idol...I, like you, have not really found anyone to invest in in hopes they'd win. The whole vibe is weird this year.

    Looking forward to the Porchlights CD~!

    Sad about Robin Hood. :(

    Thanks for updating Matthew!

  5. Hey Matthew...haha, Matthew...who calls you that? I guess your scary father-in-law.

    I've determined to ignore the fact that you are moving until the day before. Until then life is perfect and I have nothing to be sad about. Whee!
