Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bradley Woodrum Bradley Woodrum Bradley Woodrum

Up to what has Bradley Woodrum been? An excellent question, Brad. Among other things, I have been engaged whole-heartedly in a campaign of Passion, a journey of Excellence, and noble pursuit of Americanism: I have been trying to get a million cat/kitten images to appear in a Google image search (GIS) for "Bradley Woodrum" and "Brad Woodrum."

Step one of this devious plan is to, you guessed it, write "Bradley Woodrum" or "Brad Woodrum" in blog-posts featuring cats slash kittens.

My less-noble, more-boring, recent pursuits include:
1) Teaching my ESL classes in Chinatown. Helping out at Cornerstone.
2) Doing some freelance editing for McGraw-Hill.
3) Finishing up my last few RU classes.
4) Writing for DRaysBay, where they treat me like, eh, maybe the son of a demi-god? Yeah, not great or anything, but they at least recognize me and say stuff like, "I think I kind of like your writing."
5) Polishing up a short story for a writing contest.
6) Learning how to write the word "meow" in Chinese. 咪.
My ESL Classes
I feel very fortunate to say I love the place I'm in right now. I really like teacher -- even though it can be a real strain sometimes -- and I suspect I'm decent at it. I can easily picture myself teaching for a while. And, with the possibility of decent income coming my way via freelance writing/editing, I should be able to work at the Pui Tak Center and still put noodles on the table.

Jamie and I have also taken leadership roles at Cornerstone (the church that formed out of our old church in Chinatown). We really love Cornerstone! It's a collection of great friends and genuine, God-fearing and God-loving people. Jamie has started helping with Hospitality and Greeting, and I'm currently serving the Children's Ministry and Worship Ministry (they want me to learn more keyboard, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!).

I really have a burden for the Youth Ministry, though, but unfortunately we don't have any youths. So, since half the church is under age 13, the plan is to help with and learn from the Children's Ministry while we wait for the kids to get older, which can take any unknown amount of time. I'm told children age at different rates, but they don't seem to be aging at all. Go figure.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Is Here

Well, it feels that the cooler weather is on it's way...and for some reason, I'm not quite ready to let go of summer yet. I've decided to have one more cookout/volleyball game which will have to take place some time in mid-late October just to try and make it last a little longer. So far there will be M&J, Dayle and Zach and Malcolm. I think probably mom & C, as well as Riley & Lynn too.

Janelle & I just finished a co-project for the upcoming Wardlow baby. Here's a photo:
Janelle found a website that shows you how to make your own stuffed animal, which ended up being pretty easy. It was really fun to do too. Sorry it's sideways.

Things have been going really well at Eastgate, especially since M&J have gotten here. The worship has gotten a much needed boost for which we are all grateful, including Riley.

Connor is turning 10 in a few days and has a big party planned. We will be out of town for the Jags game, so I'll miss it...any gift ideas would be much appreciated. I thought of movie tickets for a man-date with Matt and/or Rob & Riley to watch a guy movie and Connor says he wants some legos and video games.

Here's one more photo I took yesterday from the yard, I'm real proud of my hibiscus. We had some serious rain last night! Burning House was going to be on the beach but because of the rain it was inside. We're gonna try next month.

Dad's plans for the Sudan are starting to come together, but I'll let him update you on that. The dates will be November 15-December 2, and he will be going with Tom Randles who will stay for at least a year and Dave Pierce who will travel to and fro with dad. He is also taking the first two weeks of October off, but there are 3 trips planned during that time. One to J'ville for the game, one to Tennessee to stay in a cabin for 3 days and one to Merritt Island for a pastor's day.

I'm looking forward to hearing back from all of you kids-in fact, that is my only reason for making this post. ;o) So, please update your goings-on as soon as you have time in your busy lives. Love to you all


Sunday, August 1, 2010

What I do.

Hey everybody,

I just wanted to show you an example of the stuff I'm doing at work.

The girl is the cover the piece, (it's folded), it opens up to the sky with the boy and then the top half with the mail panel would be the back of the piece.

So yup, that's me...

Monday, July 26, 2010

An Answer to Prayer, for now at least...

Thank you all so much for your prayers, God is indeed good and gracious. Sheri, my boss, has offered me my job back. She actually sent me a 3-page text at 1:30 in the morning on Saturday, which I did not receive till Sunday, but that I will transpose for you here:

"Daniel... i will explain it to you tomorrow... but you still have your job you are not going to be laid off... just thank God because of marlene('s) [my boss's boss and sister] faith in God and my faith in him we know everything will be ok... we will make it!!! We are just going to put it in his hands... and i know will do ok... God always works in mysterious ways... so have a great weekend... Sheri"

Apparently, this all stemmed from a brief conversation I had with Marlene earlier last week. It was, in fact, my first real conversation with her, wherein she apologized for having to let me go and told me as soon as it picked back up she would be calling me. I mentioned in the conversation how I had full faith that God will get a me a job and take care of the whole situation. Anyway, something must've struck her funny because she and Sheri stayed up late Saturday night discussing the business and myself, and they decided to take a chance and keep me on in faith that the business will do well.

So it is an answer to prayers, at least for now... :) Thank you all so very much for your prayers, I know it was the only way this could've happened. I am still making $12 an hour, 40 hours a week, which is way better than any other job I was looking at switching to. So, I shall stay the course, feel free to say I should do otherwise, I am open to discussion.

Thanks again,


Monday, July 5, 2010

Dad & I had a great time in Chicago (see Rob & Brad at Navy Pier), and then in Jacksonville. It is always so great to be able to see you kids. In fact, it's our favorite part of any trip we take.

I'm still working my 3 jobs, but they all add up to about 2-4 days a week. I have time for another one but we'll see what comes up...

Next Sunday we will be beginning construction at Eastgate, literally taking down the ceiling. I'm excited about that, though I know it will be a lot of work too. Yesterday at the end of the Sunday meeting, Rob made a general kind of altar call for salvation or re-dedication ...where he asked people to come up to the front of the room (which he never does) for prayer, and my mom went up. Afterward, I went to her and we hugged, but she didn't' seem to want to talk about it. I'm not sure what was going on, but we're going over to their house today, and maybe she'll feel like talking. Chuckie is starting to volunteer in the media room, managing the camera feeds, which he LOVES. He admitted that he gets kind of "tired" of the singing, but being at the computer enabled him to be right in his element.

Dad did a wedding last Saturday out in the countryside near Vernon, in a church building that was built around 1867. It is listed on the historical registry, and it was quite beautiful. All of the wood was original, and because of the natural oils in it, peoples hand and footprints were left on pieces of the wood used for the ceiling. You could even see a few bear prints. There was no a/c, just windows open and a wonderful breeze blowing through. Afterward, the reception food was outside on a big table like the one at Papa's old church. In the cemetery next to the building, there were graves for young men that fought in the civil war. I posted a picture of the wedding on FB.

I'm looking forward to seeing you girls and Matt in a few weeks, and really looking forward to the big move for M & J. It's still a big unknown, but I know that God has something great in store-


Thursday, June 24, 2010


Moments of time in Chicago:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Do you guys like the new design? Is it TOO girly??

Feel free to change it!

are you guys allowed to? How do I make it so you're allowed to?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This is my life now at the clinic. This angel of a lady who passes out cookies for her job (part of the company's advertising is giving free cookies to local businesses) brings us cartons of cookies weekly for FREE!!! They are made at Sam's and are always chewy and fresh tasting. There is an assortment of snickerdoodle, chocolate chunk, macademia nut, and M&M... it's all so good.
The problem is, I keep skipping meals to eat 7-10 cookies a day, really throwing off my whole "diet thing". Just give it time and I'll be blue and fuzzy and will only answer to "Cookie Monster" as my name. (Maybe THEN Carl will love me)
I had a good visit to Panama City. I thought only going for one night would feel too short and I'd be sad to leave so soon, but I felt like so much was done and had lots of bonding that I didn't feel sour at all leaving on Sunday. For the first time I'm really, genuinely excited about moving to Panama City. God is crazy like that.
Also, last night before bed I felt such peace. It was awesome! I just feel like before I was in such a slump and right now is the complete bounce back from that. Anyway, so last night, for the first time, Matt decided to help me work on the budget and balance our account. He hated it, but knew that it was a good idea to be more involved in that area (yay)! So when we finished balancing our account, paying our bills, etc. We realized that RIGHT NOW our goal for a moving budget is already reached, everything in our account is in the green and we have the exact amount of money we need to do everything we want for our 1 year anniversary (one day of buying junk food, one day of disney world, and one day of seeing 3 movies). I love budgets and I love it even more when they work. (Obviously God helped us with that too)
So I think that's it. We are studying Roman's in our small group and that's really fun...however I don't know what we're gonna do when Jess isn't there tomorrow night because she's the one who comes with all the background info for us to debate about.
Love you guys!!!
p.s. i couldn't get the spacing right

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The changes that change us

Hello family,

Well, no big developments have happened in my life, (ie new job, marriage, etc.) But, life is surprisingly good. The other day I was flipping through my quiet time journal and I came across an entry from before I moved to Jacksonville. In fact, at that time the QT journal was just a journal. In this entry I was writing about the mistakes I had made the night before and the hangover I was currently struggling with. Reading back on the life I had compared to the life I live now was shocking. The changes in my life have been so slow and natural that I didn't really even notice them. But now, after reading that entry I feel excited. There really is a God and he is really working in my life and shaping me! It's so terribly exciting!

As many of you know I have been feeling frustrated at my job lately. But, again, while I was reading through old entries in that journal I read one from when I first moved to Jacksonville. In this entry I was scared because I had moved without a job and I was having trouble finding one. But, I wrote that I knew God would provide the right one. He did provide that job and it really is not so bad. (I make way more money than I should.) I don't know how long the paper I'm working for will last, but while it's here I'm going to be thankful that God provided it for me.

Also, Janelle and I have decided to get baptized. I wont speak for her, but I will explain why I'm doing it. I was baptized when I was 7 and I don't remember it at all. (Well, I remember there was an echo at the lake - that's right, we still lived in Indiana when I was baptized.) My life has changed so much and I feel like I've made a real turn around. I've finally dedicated my life, (not just my Sunday mornings) to God and I want everyone to know it. So, the plan is for mom and dad to come to Jacksonville on the weekend of June 25 where Dad will baptize us with all our friends as witnesses on Saturday, June 26th. I wont lie, I'm super excited!

If you think of it, please be praying for my neighbor and friend, Meghan Crafts. She and her husband are going through some rough times and it looks like her husband is pretty set on getting a divorce. Last night she was revealing to me how scared she was because she had nowhere for her and her son, (1-yr-old) to go. I felt like God wanted me to offer her my place. As you know, April moved back to Panama City and I'm in need of a roommate. Her lease is up at the end of July so she might come and live at my current place for a month. My lease is up at the end of August, then she and I will try to find an affordable 3BR place for us. I'm honestly hoping that it doesn't come to this and the two of them, (her husband's name is David Crafts) work things out. So, please keep the situation in your prayers. If we do move in together it will be a big adjustment for me, but I know that God will see us through it and reveal his love to her in amazing ways.

I love you guys and am always thinking of you!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summer Schools and Summer Jobs

This is my desktop background at work.

Hey everyone!

By now, a few of you know that I recently found employment in Chinatown, but I'd like to elaborate on the details. Basically, about two weeks ago, some of the Americorps workers at the Pui Tak Center -- where I volunteer as an ESL (English as a second language) tutor and pronunciation teacher -- told me they had a summer internship position opening and suggested I apply. Well, I almost forgot about it, but applied at the last second and got the position! The job is about 30 hours a week with a $2000 stipend, plus a $1000 tuition waiver upon my completion of the program. With the tuition waiver, it works out to about $10 an hour -- and a big bonus to my resume.

My focus at the Pui Tak Center is twofold: (1) build a foundation of curriculum for future pronunciation teachers and (2) conduct an ACT Prep class for ESL high school students. I'm much more excited about objective (1), especially since they didn't tell me anything about number (2) until after they hired me.

In the meantime, I'm taking two classes this summer, which means I should be able to finish my masters degree by December. However, teaching at the Pui Tak has led me to reconsider pursuing my doctorate. It It's something I'm still quite wary of, but I'm becoming less and less off-put by the notion of teaching as a career. I've looked into the program at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), and I think there's a very good chance I could not only get accepted, but go entirely for free.

In addition to opening teaching opportunities, a PhD also means I will: (a) have a better shot at working for the Federal Reserve, (b) have a better opportunity to become a published researcher and writer, and (c) possibly price myself out of working for a baseball team. I'm not so sure about point (c), but it seems probable -- and disheartening.

Anyway, if there was one thing I would want everyone to pray about, it would be about this -- about school. I almost feel like God deliberately kept me from other job opportunities this summer (I turned down two jobs, and didn't hear back from dozens of others) so he could specifically get me to teach.

Outside of that, I shaved -- as many of you already know. Each day I wake up and say, "I'm going to grow my beard back today." And then I go shave again. I really feel like my hair is getting too long to not have a beard, but it's so hot outside!

Mom, when you get here, can you help Jamie give me a non-Mohawk hairstyle? We don't know how to do it.

In other news, Daniel graciously paid for this month's subscription! For those of you using that service, please be sure to thank Daniel! I've become too poor of late to afford that extra payment -- also our internet asplodes about every ten minutes.

I'm so excited about mom, dad, and Jessica coming to Chicago! Jamie and I keep talking about all the places we want to take our family, and now we will finally have a chance!

Friday, May 28, 2010

A Daniel Kind of Update

Here are some random thoughts from my mind:

I am excited about this weekend! Tonight, I shall be attending a boys-only (oh boy!) poker-bring-your-own-sausage night at Michael's house, with Matt and others. This is the sort of thing that I enjoy doing, as many of you know. Furthermore, on Saturday, I will going to my first Jacksonville Sun's game, and hopefully be recieving a free Stanton Jersey, who is scheduled to move up to the Marlins soon. Hopefully, Melissa will also be able to go to this, but it just depends on if she can get enough school work done. Lastly, on Sunday, I will be at a get-together-games-and-eating night, with Tommy, Shannon, Jessica, Janelle, Matt and anyone else that can make it, which should be fairly fun as well. Unfortunately, Melissa works Sunday evening... :(

Now, about the wedding... I have no idea, sorry. I do know that we will be having an engagement party on June 13th, but I don't know if I can get the 14th off work yet; so there is a possibility that I might have to drive back on the night of the 13th, which would be lame. Nevertheless, I am sure we will have an excellent time in Panama City. I believe Melissa and I are going to stay at her parents house the first night and then at my parents house on Sunday night, if I can get off work. We will both be going to Eastgate, probably first service, and then getting ready for the party.

I am fighting for second or third place in my Fantasy Baseball League, mostly because Cole and Karl are cheaters. Straight up.

I performed a little at-home-surgery (haha) about a week ago. I was able to pop the cyst that keeps regrowing on my tail bone, known as a pilonidal cyst ( for those who just have to know more). Basically, I just poked it with some scissors and nothing happened. So, I soaked my butt for about 30 minutes and put on some pajamas after I bandaged what I had poked. About an hour later, while watching some TV, I felt a strange relief, and sure enough the wound finally allowed the nast to squeeze out. It was coming out pretty strong, so I drew another bath and applied pressure around the opening and squeezed out about an ounce of nast. It looked pretty gross sitting at the bottom of the tub so I snapped a couple pictures with my phone and sent some to my mother and Melissa. Sorry ladies.

All in all, life is moving faster than I remember but I am more and more excited about my future.

Thanks for listening!

- Daniel

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sorry I haven't updated for awhile. It's mostly because my classes have taken up all of my free time. Two of my classes are only 8 weeks, which means that I'm in the middle of midterms now, plus we have all of these crazy projects and papers...yuck. I'm so glad I only have a few more weeks of this! Meanwhile, Brad has been busy this week too because he started working on Monday.

In other news, this week has been very warm and sunny - even hot at times. I finally got a chance to enjoy it today when I was running errands. And one of those errands was getting some groceries in Chinatown, which is always exciting because they have fruits and veggies that you can't find at a regular store, and they're super cheap! One of our favorites is lotus root. It is really tasty sauteed with other veggies or in stir fry. Yum!

I wish I has something exciting to say, but I can't think of anything right now. I will leave you with a picture of a fort we built in the living room a few weeks ago. It might not look like much, but it was perfect for eating more-pop-tarts-than-anyone-ever-should and watching Ghosthunters!
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If you look closely, you can see SpongeBob glowing through the sheet :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Last night was my last week being at Burn. It was so surreal... The Burn before this one, I started to lose it emotionally, but I stopped myself, thinking "next time will be my last one....i will save my tears for then." But then I was so mentally prepared for it, it almost felt like business as usual. I only cried one time (which is saying something for me...i'm a such a girl). I said at the end of worship that I alwas really felt like Burn was my true church family, seeing as how I have been the worship leader of it for 7 years, and I am where I am because of the friendships that have been nurtured there and the lessons God has taught me. It's so weird for it to be over, but Katie will do an amazing job when I go.

We are watching American Idol right anybody else watching it this year? I think Lee is my favorite, but that's very telling of this year's contestants. I normally would've written him off, but it's been such a blah year. I am starting to hate singer-"songwriters"...

Speaking of annoying singer-songwriters, the porchlights record is almost completely complete! I will try and get a few for you guys!

Let's see, what else....anyone see Robin Hood? HATEDHATEDHATED IT! I can't even list all the things I hated about it: Not enough arrows, only ONE scene of stealing, almost no "merry-ness" from the merry men, etc etc....basically a bland gladiator with new names...awful

love you guys and can't wait to see you again! it has been too long.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Just checking in...

Hey Kids-

Jessica has been prodding me to update something here...and I'm sorry I have been slacking. Things are way too busy in my life right now. I can feel the creeping tendrils of depression trying to wrap around me and give me that suffocating feeling. It happens most often when I have a lot of things on my plate that need to be attended to. Lots of weddings this summer...just got finished with one yesterday. Actually, yesterday I taught at our regular two services, then went to surf-n-grill where we baptized 10 people, then I performed a wedding ceremony at the west end of the beach. Mom and I were wiped out after we ate sushi to sort of reward ourselves.

We are planning on going to 1 service (copying what Vineyard did last guys doing that again this year?)...really mixed responses from people about that. Yesterday did seem pretty full both it may just be an epic fail...who knows. It's still worth a try.

Mom has been getting all the arrangements ready for our Chi-town trip next month. I am jonezin for that kind of getaway. Wish we could ALL go.

The Jasmine is in full bloom, and it makes me think of Seagrove and my little kids playing in the pool, or conducting sand war operations on the beach. I smell the sweet Jasmine, and I miss you children so very much...and I hope I've told you often enough how much you each mean to me. I'm a rich man because of you.

Ok...the old man is rambling (this'll learn ya' Jessica, never ask the old one to update!).

Here's a few of the finished pages from my comic book...what do you think?

Monday, May 10, 2010

When I grow up...

Well, I have been feeling rather antsy lately. I'm not happy with what I'm doing and have started considering going back to school. I was thinking about majoring in English and teaching in middle or high school. I love literature and my English teachers, (Mrs. Davis and Cobb) were the two teachers who had the most impact on my life by far. I like the idea of impacting lives like that.

Unfortunately, I got an e-mail from Bright Futures this year saying that my 100% scholarship was over, (because of the time limit.) I believe there is a way to reapply for it, I'm just not sure how. I've got lots of research to do and the deadline to sign up for fall classes is June! Ah!

As most of you know April is moving back to Panama City at the end of the month. She's still going to pay her half of the rent though until the lease is up. Which means I get a two-bedroom apartment all to myself!!! Yay!!

With all this new space on the horizon I've been thinking about hosting a small group. Janelle was really the one who planted the seed in my mind. I go back and forth daily on whether or not I'm ready for that. I feel like I've grown a lot since moving here, but it's just sort of terrifying, the idea of being back in a leadership position. But, on the other hand it's sort of exciting. I was thinking I could work on my cooking skills by cooking dinner for everyone and we could pick a book in the Bible and go through it chapter by chapter. I could research each chapter before hand and come up with different discussion topics. But, that sounds like a lot of work, so I get scared again and think that I shouldn't do it.

Oh, and be praying for my neighbor Meghan. She's been having a lot of issues with her husband lately. I actually got the opportunity to pray for her the other night, which was so cool, (and scary). But, the troubles are continuing and she's starting to feel like divorce is inevitable. She's just really sad and I know God is what she needs, it's just hard to know what to say. I've been trying to be there for her though. It's funny how other people's problems can really wear you down. I know God will work through it though. She's another reason why I'd like to host a small group. I think she would come and I think it might be good for her. Heck, her husband might even come too if I can figure out a child care set-up. Actually, I'll have April's room and I could always pay Savannah, (another neighbor in high school) to watch kids. But their son's bedtime is pretty close to when I would want to start the meeting, (7:00) so I don't quite know how it would work.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I love you all and can't wait to see what's been going on in your lives!


P.S. I saw Iron Man 2 this weekend and it was kind of cheesy but really fun. Have you guys seen it? What did you think?

P.P.S. Cotton is really cute, but is starting to enjoy biting my face more than I would prefer. I blame Carl's big fluffy influence.

Friday, May 7, 2010

stuff stuff stuff

Hello family!

I check this blog everyday to see if someone has posted on it. Is it stupid for me to still get giddy when I see an update from you guys???

A few things going on with me right now.

Good things first:

At alpha Lee has been talking about the difference between operating in the spirit and with our own minds. He was saying that sometimes you are crying and you're brain doesn't know why or doesn't get it, but then when you're done crying you find yourself not bothered by certain things that used to bother you. He said that God was probably working on bringing healing to you at the time but you just didn't know it. Anyway, I thought that was cool.

So last Wed. was my last night playing bass at burn. We are in that time of "lasts" right now in Jacksonville, and it stings, but I know God will be faithful. And Panama City has great fish tacos so that's always good.

Anyway, all these beginning paragraphs had a point initially that I got distracted from. SO at Burn I really felt that God had healed me from the pain Julie had caused over the years and the bitterness I kept set aside for her. It was awesome. So last night, a random opportunity came up for just the two of us to hang out and we went for a walk. I told her, after some small talk, that I was sorry for being so distant and that it was because I was having trouble letting go of the way she acted during my wedding, but that I was better now and wanted to continue our friendship. She knew what I was talking about right away, and said that she was very bitter about not being engaged but knew afterwards that it was wrong to take it out all on me, and that she was really sorry, and that she had been feeling bad about that for some time. WHAT SWEET RELIEF!!! It was so nice to finally talk openly with Julie and remember why we became friends in the first place. I am not getting my hopes up to think that there will not be any more pain in this friendship, however God is always good.

I'm going to New York in 5 freakin days. I absolutely, positively can not wait. I'm excited to be on an airplane...its been 6 years since I was on a plane (that was when we went to chicago). Work is stupid, but i'm rich now because of it, so that's good... if you like that sort of thing.

I'm having specific issues with specific people at work and feeling specifically hurt by their specific choices. So if you want to be praying for that... I'm sure I'll need healing for this one too at some point down the road as well.

Also, becuase of work I don't get to see Matt very much at all. 2-3 hours every day or so at the most and it is usually in a group setting because of an event or something that we're scheduled to be at. Then the other nights he's gone at work till I go to bed. Pooo for me. Hopefully Panama City jobs will offer complementary schedules. :)

Ahhh and remember the drama of the counseling couple that was upset because we didn't go to their counseling? Well more drama from that mama is back!!! They have a young marrieds group on the first friday of every month and are very upset because Matt and Brendan have a CD release show that night that are taking the group away.... heh... So now she's e-mailing Matts mom asking why she decided to host "a party for young couples the same night as their party for young couples". The mom told her it was Brendans doing and not "for 'young couples", but for everyone. I'm not cool about it because I hate that we're obligated to the first friday of month just because we are newlyweds- have we no say in what we want to be involved in?? oh well...

Carl is great but extra fat. And he is completely in love with the fishing toy. He plays with it every single freaking day. Today I woke up and there was a note from matt saying "Carl puked but I cleaned it up"... Good ol' Matt, always to the point.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Summer Plans

For those who didn't know, I had a grueling, 3.5-hour job interview on Monday. After putting all the time and effort into the interview, I'm no longer certain if I even want the job. I haven't had any peace about the subject all week, until a day or two ago when Jamie and I decided it would be best to decline if they offered me a job. It's still hard to say exactly why I didn't feel good about the job, especially since we could really use some solid income, like, right now; but today, I talked with one of my professors about an independent study I plan to take this summer, and he noted something interesting that I hadn't really considered before: Apparently, in recessions, when the labor market is really tight and everyone's looking for work, people are inclined to take the first job offer they receive. This results in people entering career paths that don't best suit their interests or skills, and since people tend to stick with a general career path, this first job defines the remainder of their lives. (In turn, the society as a whole suffers as thousands of people fail to reach their highest potential.)

I don't know if that's why I don't feel good about this job, but it's very true that the offer is not really in line with my ultimate career goals (to work for the Tampa Bay Rays or Cubs, or writing [about economics]). Also, adding a job at $40K per year, but still taking classes would actually carry the potential of worsening our financial situation (i.e. still no cats, and possibly having to move to the ghetto). The difference, in terms of actual weekly and monthly obligations for us, of $40K and $45K is monumental, so we would be better served to hold out for a little more.

So, on Tuesday I applied to about 6 or 7 more opportunities, namely some summer internships or internship-type jobs. So, if you guys remember, please keep me in your prayers that I might navigate this summer prudently and according to God's big, sometimes secret plan.

In the meantime, Jamie and I have continued to train for the Chinatown 5K. Yesterday, I ran a 5K in about 24 minutes, which is about 4 minutes slower than I want to, so I'm still far away from my goals. Additionally, we are now in possession of three different kinds of Oreos (peanut butter, chocolate, and reduced fat -- which is hilarious). I have deemed all three kinds of these Oreos contrary to my running goals, but too delicious to resist.

Also, and I don't know if Melissa reads this or not, but Daniel and Melissa: I've been praying for you guys every day, because I'm intimately aware of the pains of wedding planning. If there's anything Jamie or I can do to help you guys (maybe send you a pizza?), let us know.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting ready....

I feel like my life is made up of purely "getting ready" for things right now.

First off, Brendan and I are getting ready to FINALLY officially release the Porchlights album....we are at the point where we don't even enjoy the songs anymore. We were trying to pick a song order and kept blacking-out during the listening. But we are done mixing, are about to send out for mastering, and are shopping around for packaging. Pray that God works out the finances

Secondly, we have been writing worship songs for a Burn Worship Project we are putting together. I have NEVER been able to write a worship song until now. Whenever I would sit down to write a worship song, through scripture or just "musical prayer" I would hit a wall. But within the last couple months, I have written THREE SONGS! Whether they are good or not I cannot say, but just the fact that God is finally starting to put this stuff on my heart is pretty rad.

And finally, we are getting ready to move. I am excited to know what God wants, but its scary to make all the different pieces move: finding a place, getting a job, settling down, etc....its just tough.

Anyways, love you all!

A Mom Update

Hey Kids-

Well, it's been sort of nice to be done with the comic book, but we both are looking forward to the next one. All of a sudden we feel a little bit like we lack purpose and direction. However, I finally did get to some things done I had been wanting and needing to do...yard work (the weeds were higher than the hot tub), sewing and general housework. During the 6 weeks or so of work on the comic book I didn't spend any money on anything other than groceries, gas and taco bell. BUT that is over, and I went to bed, bath and beyond and bought a new bedspread for Janelle's bed and then I ordered the coordinating dust ruffle from e-bay. I cut that dust ruffle up and Velcroed to the bed frame so it doesn't always slip around, then used the material from the back side of it to make a curtain and a pillow. That was fun. Now I'm working on matching outfits for Nate's kids using left over material from Janelle's wedding. I'll include a photo of those when I'm done.

Today is Chuckie's birthday so we are going to take him to Capt. Anderson's for dinner. Oh, if you think of it, maybe you could send him a happy b'day e-mail (he doesn't do facebook really). My mom is buying Rob and Chuckie matching shirts and is hoping they will wear them both to dinner tonight, yay. Dad is a good sport about all of that.

We finally got the pool quote that we can afford and he is supposed to be here this week to sign the contract and start no later than 2 weeks from now. This price ($3900 for resurface, $1500 for hot tub) will include a demo of the hot tub and filling that space with concrete. Dad wants to put a patio umbrella there when it's all done.

We are sure enjoying the warm weather that has finally arrived. Dad took an afternoon nap outside yesterday and got sunburned. A couple of large turtles have shown up in the yard and all the plants are starting to sprout. The azaleas are blooming and the orange tree has HUNDREDS of blooms on it. Of course the weeds are coming too, and the great weather represents weekly yard work, but that's all part of it.

I got my hair done by a lady at Eastgate who has been nagging me to come to her for some time. I waited until Kathy Cravatta moved to see her, and she finally cut/colored my hair last Thursday. She did a great job, but she cost me an arm and a leg! Move than I have EVER spent on hair! She gave me a "deal", half off and only charged me $75. I told her she didn't have to give me a deal and she said "ok", so I paid her $100 plus $20 tip. Ouch! I see now why she wanted my business so badly. What does she think pastors make anyway? From the picture you'll see she dyed it my natural color of brown and then put very subtle light highlights all over. I was there for 2 1/2 hours...I like it, but am still getting used to the darker shade.

Ok, I've blabbed on enough. In order to talk to you guys a little more often, could you all let me know what your schedules are, if you know them from week to week? I think about calling but am worried I will interrupt work, or school...thanks so much. I'll put mine here: Work 8-3 on Tuesday and Wednesdays. Other than that, I'm pretty much available except during Eastgate meetings, which you would know anyway. Thanks, kids I love you and miss you all-


Friday, April 9, 2010

Lots of Things!

So there are so many things happening right now. Melissa and I in homage of the proposal have chosen to forgoe our bi-annual break up, thus creating a stronger, tenser bond between us. We are really trying to get everything ready for this wedding, and so far everything has been falling into place, minus a couple details. We are looking at possibly having the wedding in early December as soon as Melissa finishes her classes. Hopefully this date will work with everyone's schedule.

In other news, Melissa's 2007 Kia Rio purchased in early February has broken down for the second time and this time was not covered in the warranty. The nice mechanic at the Kia dealership explained that a hose from the power steering had rubbed against a pulley for the power steering and caused the hose to slice and spill all it's fluid. Luckily Melissa was pulling into a parking space in a parking garage when that happened. Now, the mechanic also explained that the hose was moved due to damage from a front end collision that had obviously been repaired. So we went down the street to MazdaCity where we had purchased the vehicle and explained to them the situation. They did try to give us the run-around but we were able to have the car towed to their service department (out of pocket of course, but luckily I work with some one who lives on the west side, who knew a towing guy, and was able to get it for $45 cash). This was all on Tuesday, and Melissa had to work night audit tuesday and wednesday, not to mention school which I gave her rides to since I get an hour lunch every day. So, yesterday, Wednesday, I called them after they never called back and found from some one who claimed to have no idea on the details, that David from sales (who sold us the car) was going to pay for the labor but that we would have to pay for the part of which he had not idea on the cost. So, today after I get off work and Melissa wakes up from night audit, we are going down there one more time to shake things up. Melissa has a list of demands, including not paying for the part and getting a signed statement saying they inspected everything else in the car for possible future damage.

We'll see how that works, but feel free to pray that we're able to keep our cool and hopefully get Melissa back into a working vehicle. Looking back on all the paper work, including the interest, warranty and down payment she will have paid over $13,000 for the car. I don't believe that is a price for a vehicle that only worked for 60 days, especially considering the prior damage found by the Kia mechanic, who will be our lead witness in the civil case against Tom Bush (owner of MazdaCity, BMW of Orange Park, who we financed through, and a couple other dealerships in the area). Granted, we never looked at the CarFax, but we chose to buy at the dealership because of its' reputation.

Sorry, I just needed to vent some of that stuff and hopefully I will be able to say the right things today. Please pray for Melissa and I both. Thanks!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hello family

I keep waiting for something exciting to happen so I can write an awesome blog. No luck with that, so I'll just write about my life.

I told you about the new office and I have to say that it's pretty awful. There are five girls, (including me) and the boss man. This means that there is nothing but drama, drama, drama. The editor and I usually just keep quiet and put our headphones in. It has been nice to work in the same office as the boss because now I feel more confident that he is happy with the job I'm doing. (Or, at least he says he is.)

Outside of work, life is wonderful. I'm always thanking God for bringing me to such an amazing place with such wonderful people. I am surrounded by so many great women of God here. (I wouldn't mind being surround by a few more great men of God, but that's all in good time I suppose.)

Oh, and it looks like April will be moving back to Panama City. We had a talk the other night and she's got a friend there that wants to room with her and of course she has that job at Book It to go back to. Obviously nothing is for sure right now, but I can tell that mentally she is pretty determined to move back. She hasn't been connecting here with the people at all. It's been pretty frustrating for me, as I can't understand why she chooses to remain so distant. If you think of it, be sure to keep her in your prayers.

Honestly, I'm slightly relieved. She has been a bit of an emotional burden for me. Of course, if she chose to stay I would be happy to continue living with her. I think I just feel responsible for her and it's hard to see her not making the decisions I think would be best for her. But, that's how life is I suppose.

Well, those are the basics of my life. In happy news: Janelle and I had an awesome weekend with the parents over Easter. (I love you guys.) I've been working out a lot more in hopes to continue to lose weight. Bradley let me use his password for so I could listen to the Cubs game at work, (which was so fun), he's the best! This weekend should be filled with plenty of sunshine and bike rides!

I love you guys and I look forward to reading more from you!

i just farted at work...

Howdy yall! I hope its okay that I'm posting again, but I FINALLY thought of something to say.

First of all, Dr. Green has me working on the clinic website which is kind of exciting considering I don't know anything about anything. But, me being me, I have updated home page photo to current non pixelated one, I have inserted hyperlinks giving people a map to where the clinic is located and have put up a photo gallery which has pictures of the pets with santa. Now, I won't give you the web address because you guys would say "well the website still looks like its from 1998"... so instead, imagine the most beautiful website you've ever seen and then pretend that's the one I made. thank you.

this Sunday is Alpha sunday! I'm really excited. It's from 9a-2p at Lee Brookins house. He talks about the holy spirit and then we all go down to the beach, and those who want to get baptized. A girl came to our group on Tuesday and started to cry a little and said, "I finally felt God!! I know he's real now" and went on to tell her story of how that happened. It's exciting to see God really working in these peoples lives. Matt and I have watched them grow so much and it has been such a blessing to be apart of it. Last week was the first week where some of them started to pray for one another and it was all very exciting... I was telling jess it was like the book (Adrian Plass diary) said, "I wanted to see someone get healed, but I never expected God to show up..."

anyway, that's what's going on with me. God is also proving to Matt and I daily that he will provide for us with the moving fund and that's exciting too... except when I realize that I suck at trusting him.

love you guys!!! Missing bradley and jamie extra lately-

Also- June 5!!!! Eileen is having a reunion concert/ 'everyone is moving soon party' hosted by matt's parents, all of you are invited and should come out to j-ville,

that is all..


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ahm-a-finished Y'all!!

Great news everyone! I've finished my very first 28 page graphic novel. It was over a month of 11-13 hour days, 7 days a week...but now it's all done. Yer Ma was the one who made it possible to get it done in that time frame, and she worked just as many hours. She's awesome (as if you didn't know that).

But now it's done. And I'm sorta' sad, because i miss working on it. So it's time to get back to Rabbi Encounters!!!

Anyway, I'm uploading pics of the final art and stuff. Love you all!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

As March Nears an End

Here's a maine coon kitteh I've been stalking on Craigslist.

Hey everyone!

Today, Jamie and I registered for a 5k run in Chinatown! It's about 3 miles, which I run about once or twice per week, so hopefully I won't collapse in a quivering ball of shame. My main goal is to beat Jamie and all her friends. Because they are women.

In other news, I've started teaching a pronunciation class at the Pui Tak Center, and though I'm a nervous wreck going into every class, God usually blesses the time and we have a lot of laughs. I can only hope they learn something, too.

Also, I had my first baseball game last Sunday. It was really fun (photos should be forthcoming on Homebody and Woman), yet really windy and cold. I didn't start the game, but came in to play right field in the 4th inning (or thereabouts). I finished the day with a walk, a stolen base (yeah, you read that right), a run, and a groundout. I also dropped a pop up, but was able to throw the runner out at second base, so we'll say it was a fielder's choice, not an error. (We fought admirably, but lost 6 to 16ish... To an art school.)

Recently, I've been spending my days searching for internships, applying for jobs, and wistfully looking at pictures of cats on Craigslist. I've sent applications to a couple of places, and even had some friends from church look into a few opportunities for me, but right now God is having me wait. Maybe this means there's some incredible job just around the corner... Is there such thing as a Kitten Tester?

The big news, however, is that the refurbished XBOX 360 Daniel ordered for me arrived sometime yesterday. As I write this, Jamie should be collecting the package from the office downstairs (I'm at work right now) and preparing it for the coming era of Brotherly Video Game Jubilation!


UPDATE: I've meaning to mention this book: When Wanderers Cease to Roam by Vivian Swift. I bought it in January with a gift card from December, and have been loving it through March! It's like an illustrated diary and it's just wonderful. Jamie and I are really liking it, and have decided that:

Janelle would like the cats.
Jessica would like the art.
Dad would like the art, too.
Mom would like the art and cats.
And Daniel would like the fact that there's a lot of pictures to go with the words, but still wouldn't read it.
Matt would possibly dislike it because it lacks beards and meat.

I like the cats, art, and cats.
Jamie likes the cats, teacups, and travelling.

(Oh, and just kidding; Matt would like it too.)

Friday, March 19, 2010


For some stupid reason, I could not figure out how to post on here again. However, as you hopefully have already deduced, I finally figured it out.

So, I asked Melissa to marry me and she actually said, "yes". Not that this is big news now, but here's a tiny story to maybe repeak your intrest:

A date night for Melissa and I usually includes a brisk stroll to Publix and picking out which meal we are going to cook for dinner. After dinner is chosen we move to the redbox to decide what movie, or movieS if we're feeling adventurous, we are going to watch whilst we eat. The night of March 12th was just a single movie night, but with double movie overtones. As we continued our promenade back to the house, I could barely keep in the excitement much less the box-shpaed bulge in my pocket. We reached a wooden bridge in the middle of her complex overlooking a small lake and I decided this was my chance. So, I pretended to drop something turned around, asked for Melissa to come closer, reached into my pocket and dropped to one knee. She, as usual, said something to the effect of, "You're not really doing this right now are you?" But I ignored the comment and continued with my simple statement. "Melissa the only way I know of keeping you in my life is to ask for you hand in marriage, so will you make me the happiest guy ever and marry me?" She finally decided this was enough to say yes. The rest of the story is just about me apologizing to my sisters for leaving them out.

I hope you all enjoyed this post. I have plans for hanging out with at least Jessica tonight, and maybe Jessica and Janelle on Sunday. Hopefully we can use this time to be giddy. Also I'm sending Brad a refurbished X-Box in hopes we can finally compete on the digital field of Madden. Mom, I called you first so be happy, and Dad apparantly you were next to her when I called, so take it easy. I hope this finds everyone well and sorry for not posting for so long, but I have been reading every single post and responding in my head. Maybe one day we can crack it open and see what I had responded...

- Daniel

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

wedding fever!

Jake and Julie's wedding was last weekend! All in all, it went very well.... except my headband ended up looking like a tiara (doh!!!) so I felt like the classic "remember when it was all about me last summer?" girl at the wedding... But, the scenery was breathtaking and the people were fun, and we got to dance and that was great and warmed us up!

We had alpha on Tuesday night and thankfully it went really well! The week before got a little hectic and matt and I were both nervous that no one would show up again the following week, however, everyone but 1 came back and we had a great discussion about why Jesus dying on the cross was important. It's so weird to be confronted on questions and issues that I haven't thought about in a while, but it's also good because it gets me thinking again and such.

oh and the cat picture you see is one that i found on the work computer, I thought it was pretty hilarious and deserved to be shared!

Tonight Jessica, April and I are going to Matt's Parents house (because they are out of town on their 31st anniversary) and we're going to watch Far and Away in tradition with St. Patty's day. Dad- are you making your corned beef?? We had some at alpha last night.... I ate some and it's such a different flavor.

Celebrity Apprentice started on sunday- you guys need to watch it because SINBAD is on it!!

And was everyone else extremely dissapointed with who got kicked off idol last week?
I think that's all... excpet that if you have learned nothing from this, then please remember the SNL episode with Zach G. is worth watching more than once and Conan O'B. is on tour but too expensive to afford tix.
Carl says he hates you and loves you at the same time.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I am made of snot

Hello family. Well, I've been waiting to post in hopes that I would have some great news to post about the job at Folio Weekly. Unfortunately I have not heard back from them. Oh well.

In the meantime work has been crazy. They fired one of the sales reps, (the publisher's nephew) and are closing the office in Yulee. In fact tomorrow we're moving to an office in north Jacksonville to be housed with the two other cleaning companies that the publisher also owns. I wont lie, I'm not really feeling very stable. But, like I said to mom, God has always taken care of me when it comes to jobs, so I know he will continue to do so.

This week I've caught the crud that's going around. I feel pretty awful, but I know I'll live. Maybe the reason I haven't gotten the Folio job yet is because God wants me feeling better before they call me back in. *sigh* Yeah, I don't think so either.

I'm excited to hear we're getting a new edition to the family. Melissa is a great girl and I'm happy to hear she's going to be our new sister. Surprisingly, the sting of singledom didn't really hit with the announcement. Maybe I'm finally growing in maturity after all.

Well, I love you all and hopefully something exciting will happen in my life and I'll be able to tell you all about it. In the meantime, here are the ads I redesigned for Folio.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Hallway Is Done-

I did them in groups...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Classes, Summer, and Summer Classes

I promised I would post over the weekend, but our internet disappeared -- presumably on some mad, bandwidth-drinking binge. Anyway, our super-shoddy internet aside, I've been spending the last few days: 1) preparing for midterms and 2) preparing for the summer.

Thus far, my classes have been going very well. I get along well with my professors, and they seem genuinely interested in my well-being and future -- which is about the most I could ask for. Just a week or two ago, I was at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and one of my professors introduced me to this guy, Bill Testa, who informed me that the Fed was not likely to have any interns this summer.

This both bums me out and brings me to my next point: I've already applied for two internships (dream internships, at that), one at the Fed and one with the Cubs. I'm really pulling for the one with the Cubs (which is probably good, given Bill's forecast), because -- in all honesty -- my ultimate aim of working at the Fed is building my stats-cred so I can get a job in baseball. I've also examined some other internships with investment firms and risk analysis groups -- positions that I would probably find very interesting, but ultimately wouldn't want to do forever.

In the meantime, I signed up for a summer class at Roosevelt (did you guys know that I write for their Writing Center Blog?). If I pass the summer class (which -- my professor all but assured me -- I will), then I should be able to finish my Masters in one more semester, or two semesters of part-time classes (which would be great if I'm working by then).

In other news, Daniel and I have been trying, fruitlessly, for weeks now to play each other in Madden via XBOX 360, but technology has confounded us on every turn. Hopefully, though, I will be able to hammer out some of the problems this spring break and commence with the butt-whoopings. Also, today I went outside without my coat, and I found the weather chilly, but tolerable in my t-shirt. Oddly, though, I think I will miss winter (I really like the cold, except for how it makes my nose runny).

Friday, March 5, 2010

Volleyball, Pillows, and...Burying Bread?!

Yesterday, I had lunch with some people from our fellowship group and found out that a bunch of people get together and play volleyball every Thursday night in the church's gym. So I texted Brad at school, trying to see if he might get out of class early to go play, and he did! We scrambled over there, only to find out that they were starting later than we expected, which actually works out better so we can just go when Brad gets home from class. We both had some terrible mess ups, but then some great plays too and we're looking forward to going again next week.

I've decided that I'm going to try making some big pillows for our futon. It seems like a simple enough project to start with and I think it could bring some personality (and comfort) to our "living room." Although, I have a feeling it is going to take me awhile to locate the materials I will need, mostly because I'm not really sure what all I need. Planning is tough for me, I just want to go buy some cool fabric, sew some pieces together, and magically have it turn out amazing!

Tonight is date night. Our plan is to try an Ethiopian restaurant that was recommended to Brad and then come back to the apt and watch Amazing Grace. I'm really excited about the restaurant. We watch a lot of PBS because it's the only thing on in the daytime, and I keep thinking about a travel show we saw a few days ago about Morocco, where they were crossing a desert and made bread by burying the dough in the sand! How crazy!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hey guys!

I feel like I haven't posted in a while, but I really was having trouble thinking of stuff to write about. Right now I'm watching American Idol and that's kind of fun- but this hasn't been my favorite season. Is anyone else keeping up with the show?? I felt like I really disagreed with the top 24 they picked.

Jake and Julies wedding is next week and I'm starting to get really excited. I'm one of the main people helping with the bachelorette party and that's fun because I get a chance to be bossy again... which is always fun.

Matt and I saw the move Precious today. One of the most intense movies I've ever seen, and I weeped the whole way through it, but I'm glad I saw it and they deserve every Oscar it was nominated for. Has anyone seen The Hurt Locker? I really liked that movie too.

I also saw Crazy Heart, but I didn't love it- kinda slow.

I'm feeling restless and sleepy at the same time lately. Kind of annoying.

My knee has been hurting extra lately, so if you want to be praying, that would be nice.

I think i'm done with my one line paragraphs. I can't really think of anything else to write about, but it has been great to hear from everyone. I miss you Mom and Dad- I haven't seen you since Christmas- (And of course you two Brad and Jamie)



Friday, February 26, 2010

The Photoshop Club

I am an un-official inductee to the Photoshop Club. You know, the club that has it's own special language (hexagonal lassos, channels, layers, etc.), software, and overall smartness? Well, I guess I should say I am an honorary member, because I have only learned 1/1000 of what there is to learn. Dad taught me how to do the "flatting" for his graphic novel. Click here to see what it is: If you don't have the time to look it up, basically it is outlining the major images on the comic page and filling them in with any color. He then comes back and can select that color without having to do all of the outlining part, and he colors it as he wants.

He thought I would love it and I do! I'm still learning how to use the Wacom tablet, but I'm slowly picking it up. Dad is hoping to have his first several pages completely colored by Monday. So far, it is looking just amazing.

I finally got the hallway painted, and it looks great! I took pictures, but it's sorta boring without the wall hangings up. I need to add some new photos, particularly of Daniel and Jess. For some reason, I've got plenty of the younger set (including Matt & Jamie of course)!

After I get done with the flatting for Dad, I am planning on sewing matching outfits for Nates three kids. I'm gonna make 2 sun dresses just like what we did for the bean's wedding and a button up shirt for Isaiah. I plan on using the leftover yellow fabric from the wedding too. Excited about that!

Dad & I are hoping to go to Colorado in April, after the comic book is done. Paul Little (a nice guy from Eastgate) is wanting to fly us out to a cabin for a week for some R&R. The cabin is free I guess for pastors and the like: Elijah Ministries. We'll see if it really happens, but if it does, it'd be cool!

Ok, back to work for me-love you all! I have read all of your posts, sorry I did not comment on them, but they were great to read nonetheless-


Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So ever since this blog has been up, Jessica and Janelle have been giving me a hard time for not updating. SORRY! My computer is refusing to open anything google related, so i have to sit down at my 'rents computer to do this. I think its some sort of anti-google virus i got from all the illegal Harry Connick Jr albums i downloaded.

Anyways, I am really excited about this blog! Now you all have to at least skim through this and leave a nice comment so I don't cry myself to sleep.

We had our first Alpha meeting last night and it was wonderful! It's so refreshing to talk to people who are really searching for what life is about and seeing if Jesus really is who he says he was. This quote from CS Lewis is one of the main points in the packet we are using for the class:
“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: “I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.” That is the one thing we must not say. A man who said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”
There was this old crazy guy at our table who kept (successfully) trying to make me feel stupid and uncomfortable, and I think he was just doing that because of my age, but who knows....maybe God gave me him because I specifically prayed for no crazy people. I should've known better

Other than that, same old same old. Love you all and love the posts!


Monday, February 22, 2010

God is good

Lately I have been wondering at all of the blessings in my life. God has truly been so good to me.

I am surrounded by so many loving christian friends. I've never had friends like this. They all are honest christians who are struggling on the journey like the rest of us. But, what makes them so amazing is the way they love. I have only been here for about five months and I feel closer to some of the girls here more than friends I've had for years. It just really hit me this week. I have so much. Amazing friends, a wonderful family, a decent job and an over all really good life.

Sometimes I feel like I'm just now finally understanding what it means to be a christian. Lately God has really been opening my eyes to how much control I have in my own life and that he's ready for me to give it up to him.

I've been going to a women's bible study on Thursday nights and it has been so filling. God is really challenging me to step up and be the woman he has called me to be. Yes, I'm still struggling with the same old messes I love to get into, but I'm fighting them and that is what is important. One day at a time.

I've also signed up for a pathways class called "Lifeway: Practical Devotion." It starts tomorrow night. I'm a little worried because Tuesdays usually are late nights at work for me, but I'm just praying that everything goes smoothly and I'm able to make it to the class on time. Today was very productive so I'm hoping for the best.

I can't begin to tell you how much I love each of you. Dad, Mom, Daniel, Bradley, Jamie, Matt and Janelle: you, more than anyone I know have shown me God's love and I can't begin to describe how much it means to me. Like I said, I love you lots and lots!!!

Here's the news on the Lataillades at Eastgate

Hey kiddos...check out the news reports on the Lataillades visit with us.
Channel 7 news:

The News Herald:

Channel 13 did a story too, but they don't seem to have it online.


Thanks again for posting. It makes me sooooo happy to see what's going on in everyones life! I hope that you guys dont stop....please

Right now I'm at work- i get to go home soon- yay! I just found out that we get to hire April on at the clinic and she is starting tomorrow. I'm very excited about this because I know she has a great work ethic and knows tons about animals, computers and smiling. We are going to ride to work together tomorrow, which is kind of fun. It makes me think of when Jessica and I would ride to beach scene together.... remember Beach Scene?? Yuck!

Carl is overweight. Seriously. i found out these treats we've been giving him daily are very high in fat and are causing him to literally be considered "overweight". Matt and I turned on the kitchen light the other day to find him on the table eating cheese scraps- he just stared right back, not backing down on his treasure.

I'm in "moving mode". I keep mentally putting all of our stuff in boxes and rearranging how the stuff on the walls should go. I want to start painting over the stains, renting a rug doctor and saying my goodbyes. I know I'm going to miss everyone so much here, but I hate this weird 'not staying, not leaving' phase im in.

Matt and I will be starting our Alpha class tomorrow night at the church. Its the class for new beleivers or unbelievers with questions. Its mainly discussion and I'm very very excited. Matt and I will be running our own table (he's the leader, i'm the helper... dumb), but I think it will be awesome to watch people grow. I'm hoping it will start a brighter spark in me as well. I've been in such a weird "numb" phase lately and I hate it.

i love you all so much and i can't tell you how wonderful it is to check this and see new posts!


Short Poem

When I go to heaven, I will have this tightly held in my fist, and I will have a million co-authors write ahmen:

I called to God for help;
and when it came,
I had no idea
it would look like that.
At the beginning of the new year, Jamie and I were upset. We were going to a seeker-friendly church downtown called Willow Chicago, and we had settled on this church after several months of fruitless searching, even once visiting a unitarian universalist church by accident. Willow met at the Auditorium Theater, a famous concert house underneath my school, and had some thousand-plus members and visitors each Sunday. It was nearly impossible to see the same face twice, and though a desire to serve weighed heavily on my heart (I really wanted to use my writing and teaching talents to serve others), I kept meeting obstacles. Also, we both had agreed we wanted to take some sort of Biblical finances class so we could have a better grasp of Godly principles for our money, but Willow had no such programs. But the worst thing was that Willow's structure is predicated around the supposition that members can find a small group to plug into, to get deeper fellowship and deeper study; but the combination of our class schedules had prevented us from joining any groups in 2009. And so, when our schedules continued to conflict when the new, 2010 class schedules came out, we began to suspect this was a sign.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Some of the pages I've been working on

Actually...instead of being a smart-a$#, I thought maybe you'd like to see a few of the pages I've been working on? These are pages 1-3, inked. I just took photos with my phone, so they're kinda' blurry, but you get the idea.

Me am busy

I am up to my ear-bones in trying to draw a comic book.
I'm supposed to draw a comic book, did you know that?
But it IS nice to hear what's going on in everyone's life.

Mmm... I'm Hungry!

It's past noon and I'm still in my pajamas. Of course, I should do homework, but Brad has rubbed off on me, and now I'm getting into the habit of reading blogs! Mine are mostly craft blogs though. Since I have the extra time (job hunting is surprisingly difficult) I want to learn to do something like quilting, or paper crafts, or knitting. I just don't know where to start. I really really want to learn to quilt, but I can barely sew right now, so I should probably take it one step at a time. Maybe I should just try knitting...or weaving...or watercolors....blah!!

Tomorrow, our group from church is having a Valentine Social/Potluck. The guys are making the main courses, and the women are making desserts - my favorite! So tonight, a few of the women are hanging out, making a two-tiered cake for the social, and eating spaghetti. I'm thankful for little opportunities like this to get to know some of them better.

This is Bradley and I having lunch at the church...yes, it was delicious :)

Work Shmirk

First of all- I am soooo happy to see everyone posting- and no Daniel its not okay for dad and brad to not post- no excuses.

Second of all its awesome to know what is going on in everyones life! I was sooo excited to come back from break and see so many new posts!

This week has been a little nutso for me. I've been working extra this week because of unforeseen circumstances at work and then yesterday on my day off we had to to take the car into the shop- yuck! however, i only have 2 1/2 hours left of my shift and then I am off until MONDAY!! ( i was working from 7a-6p monday-wed. w/ no break)

Tonight, matt is having a guys night (stupid...) so I am going to stay home and watch cheeziee movies- starting with Fireproof. I'm excited! I plan on going to bed at 6:00p with a bucket of candy and a cat that's trying to kill me in my arms.


Happy Friday!

I love you guys. I'm pretty sure we have the best family ever!

This week has been good. I've been going to a women's bible study on Thursday nights and last night was on obedience. It was really good for me. I have been going crazy lately with craving boys and all that fun stuff. It was good to have a reminder as to why it's important not to let my hormones get the best of me. So, if you think of it, be sure to pray that God gives me wisdom and strength to run away from any bad situations that I love to find myself in.

In other news, tonight I am going to take pictures of a concert at the Vineyard tonight. Tracy called me and asked me to take photos for their facebook page. I just thought it was funny because that's exactly what I used to do for The Corner. (The Vineyard is moonlighting as a venue now for high school type bands.) Whoo. Wish me luck with that!

I love you all!


Work & Home

Well, if you all haven't heard, I have another job. It is working for Whit Roberts at Destin Podiatry, doing his bookkeeping. He just bought a practice and will only be there a few days a week. I wasn't so sure about it at first, but I'm really liking it all now. He told me that the computer in the office is already set up for remote log in, which I LOVE, so I am doing all this work from home. I even setup my computer from the The Family Clinic for remote log in so I am now one day in the office and one day at home.

I just got done doing some work for both of those businesses and am gearing up for some home-work. I'm going to paint the hallway and re-do all of the pictures, frames and the way I hang them when I'm done. I will paint it the same color as the front entryway, which is a light beige-y sort of color. In order to find that particular color and the old paint can, I took every can off the shelf in the garage, and am going to sort and throw away the unnecessary paint-it's a mess right now!

After I'm done with the hall, I want to paint the guest bathroom, then eventually my bathroom. That will make every wall in the house painted since we moved in (except the laundry room, but does that room count?).

I guess it's spring fever.

Tonight we are going to mom & Chuckies for beef stew.


I am going to attempt to use this.

Whelp... things are happening. Many things... It looks like I will probably be asking Melissa to marry me pretty soon here. I have already recieved permission from her father. I'm not one hundred percent firm on how I will go about this, but I'm mostly sure it will not be excessively gooshy. I suppose, if you feel so called, you could pray that I have the courage to go through with it and that she actually says yes. Hope this is a good start to this blog. I look forward to checking the updates... Now, I do believe that some members of the family, specifically Brad n' Dad have their own blogs already; so personally, I could understand their hesitation in wanting to participate. That is all...

- Daniel

My plan!

Hello family!

i was thinking that I don't keep up with everyone as much as I would like, and I thought this might be a fun way for us as a family to stay connected.

I know its my fault, but I don't even see Jessica and Daniel that much and we live in the same city! So I thought by making a family blog, that is just for us we could stay updated with what is going on in every ones life!

So the purpose of this would be to post a blog with what's going on in your life, funny stories, or just nice things about me.

so if you hate this idea then write about it! (in the blog)

love you guys. I miss you all! I'm going to attempt to make you all admins so work with me here if I'm not able to make it work.
