Tuesday, March 30, 2010

As March Nears an End

Here's a maine coon kitteh I've been stalking on Craigslist.

Hey everyone!

Today, Jamie and I registered for a 5k run in Chinatown! It's about 3 miles, which I run about once or twice per week, so hopefully I won't collapse in a quivering ball of shame. My main goal is to beat Jamie and all her friends. Because they are women.

In other news, I've started teaching a pronunciation class at the Pui Tak Center, and though I'm a nervous wreck going into every class, God usually blesses the time and we have a lot of laughs. I can only hope they learn something, too.

Also, I had my first baseball game last Sunday. It was really fun (photos should be forthcoming on Homebody and Woman), yet really windy and cold. I didn't start the game, but came in to play right field in the 4th inning (or thereabouts). I finished the day with a walk, a stolen base (yeah, you read that right), a run, and a groundout. I also dropped a pop up, but was able to throw the runner out at second base, so we'll say it was a fielder's choice, not an error. (We fought admirably, but lost 6 to 16ish... To an art school.)

Recently, I've been spending my days searching for internships, applying for jobs, and wistfully looking at pictures of cats on Craigslist. I've sent applications to a couple of places, and even had some friends from church look into a few opportunities for me, but right now God is having me wait. Maybe this means there's some incredible job just around the corner... Is there such thing as a Kitten Tester?

The big news, however, is that the refurbished XBOX 360 Daniel ordered for me arrived sometime yesterday. As I write this, Jamie should be collecting the package from the office downstairs (I'm at work right now) and preparing it for the coming era of Brotherly Video Game Jubilation!


UPDATE: I've meaning to mention this book: When Wanderers Cease to Roam by Vivian Swift. I bought it in January with a gift card from December, and have been loving it through March! It's like an illustrated diary and it's just wonderful. Jamie and I are really liking it, and have decided that:

Janelle would like the cats.
Jessica would like the art.
Dad would like the art, too.
Mom would like the art and cats.
And Daniel would like the fact that there's a lot of pictures to go with the words, but still wouldn't read it.
Matt would possibly dislike it because it lacks beards and meat.

I like the cats, art, and cats.
Jamie likes the cats, teacups, and travelling.

(Oh, and just kidding; Matt would like it too.)


  1. that's so fun!! Matt and I are reading a fictional diary at the moment that i've been pleading with everyone else to read. It's called "The Sacred Diary of Adrian Plass Aged 37 3/4" It's by this british Christian who has a dry sense of humor that keeps me giggling through out the day.

    Maybe God is saying that when you commit to a cat on craigslist he'll commit to you.

    Think about it.

    THANKs for posting!!!

    Love you


  2. Braaadly, you crack me up. What a pleasure to read your posts! I'm sorry that you lost your first baseball game, but I know your heart is in it to play, and I'm so glad that you get to do that (I can see you winning in my heart, and it's beautiful!).

    God will bring the right job, in the meantime you are doing what you should, and that is applying, He'll take it from there!

    I'm so glad that you mentioned that you were at work, I had this image of you hanging around the apartment in your pajamas looking at Craigs List cats and writing this blog while she was out doing errands to bring you a gaming system...

    Love you guys, and miss you muchly.


  3. Great post Brad! When did you become so obsessive...er, I mean, intrigued with cats? Has Jamie been secretly feeding you meow mix in your cereal?

    Don't feel bad about losing to an art school. art students are bad ass, everyone knows that.

  4. I like that cat because it looks like Charmi and Charmi is the bestest cat EVER!!

    Also, that book looks awesome. I've put it in my shopping cart on Amazon, so maybe one of these days I'll purchase it.

    I love you and good luck on your next baseball game!

  5. Oh boy! I can't wait to show you how my play calling skills have increased since I have owned Madden. Unfortunately I often go with a "Madden Choice" on defense, but maybe I'll mix it up when we face off. Nevertheless, I am interested in viewing this picture book, hopefully there are as little words as you describe. Great post! Very funny, I hope all else is well and it's great to hear from you Brad! I'll be talking to you for sure on Saturday for the draft...

    - Daniel

  6. the thing you fail to realize, brad, is that cats are basically walking beards, and if killed can be made into meat.......

    this may have been the wrong crowd to make that joke to

