Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hey guys!

I feel like I haven't posted in a while, but I really was having trouble thinking of stuff to write about. Right now I'm watching American Idol and that's kind of fun- but this hasn't been my favorite season. Is anyone else keeping up with the show?? I felt like I really disagreed with the top 24 they picked.

Jake and Julies wedding is next week and I'm starting to get really excited. I'm one of the main people helping with the bachelorette party and that's fun because I get a chance to be bossy again... which is always fun.

Matt and I saw the move Precious today. One of the most intense movies I've ever seen, and I weeped the whole way through it, but I'm glad I saw it and they deserve every Oscar it was nominated for. Has anyone seen The Hurt Locker? I really liked that movie too.

I also saw Crazy Heart, but I didn't love it- kinda slow.

I'm feeling restless and sleepy at the same time lately. Kind of annoying.

My knee has been hurting extra lately, so if you want to be praying, that would be nice.

I think i'm done with my one line paragraphs. I can't really think of anything else to write about, but it has been great to hear from everyone. I miss you Mom and Dad- I haven't seen you since Christmas- (And of course you two Brad and Jamie)




  1. The movie Precious is based on a book by Sapphire called Push. I had it for one of my classes two years ago, but never finished it. It's every bit as intense as the movie, I imagine, and could really add a lot if you find the time to read it.

    Geez! So many weddings!

    Oh, and I think I'm going to try to post again this weekend.

  2. Hey Jelly Bean-

    I totally agree with you about Americal Idol, even most of the ones that are kinda good one week are lame the next. With the possible exception of Crystal Bowersox, she seems pretty consistant.

    I'm glad you're excited about the wedding, I can't wait to see pictures.

    Remember-Precious is the movie my mom wanted to see with all us girls, but it never worked out because the only showing was at 9 pm as IF! Still would like to see it some time too. We did see The Hurt Locker, and LOVED it, glad you did too.

    You should invite Mom & Chuckie out there some time before you move. I would love for them to see you and your apartments before you start moving. I for one, wasn't planning on coming out there the day you move like she has mentioned, but being ready for you when you get here!


  3. Hurt Locker is the next movie I will be getting once I send back my current Neflix.

    I'm looking forward to the bachlorette party, I think it's going to be a lot of fun!!


  4. Wow, I didn't know they were getting married already! That's exciting!

    We haven't seen any of those movies :( I keep hearing that one song from Crazy Heart on the radio and it makes me really want to see the film.
