Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting ready....

I feel like my life is made up of purely "getting ready" for things right now.

First off, Brendan and I are getting ready to FINALLY officially release the Porchlights album....we are at the point where we don't even enjoy the songs anymore. We were trying to pick a song order and kept blacking-out during the listening. But we are done mixing, are about to send out for mastering, and are shopping around for packaging. Pray that God works out the finances

Secondly, we have been writing worship songs for a Burn Worship Project we are putting together. I have NEVER been able to write a worship song until now. Whenever I would sit down to write a worship song, through scripture or just "musical prayer" I would hit a wall. But within the last couple months, I have written THREE SONGS! Whether they are good or not I cannot say, but just the fact that God is finally starting to put this stuff on my heart is pretty rad.

And finally, we are getting ready to move. I am excited to know what God wants, but its scary to make all the different pieces move: finding a place, getting a job, settling down, etc....its just tough.

Anyways, love you all!


  1. 1. I'm really looking forward to the Porchlights cd. I'm glad that's coming together.

    2. I'm SUPER excited about the new worship songs.

    3. I'm happy for you guys and think it's good for you to move to PC...but the more I get used to being able to hang out with you both on a regular basis it makes me depressed to realize that you'll be gone soon.

  2. Erica Masters from Eastgate came to me Sunday and wanted to know if I had any more children to "donate" to her for work purposes. Bradley & Daniel have both worked for her in the past in reservations for condos on the beach. I told her that I may have someone in August-but she needs help now. Anyway, she said to get with her again then and she'd see if she had anything.

    She has loved both boys, and I know she would love you and/or Janelle, if you either of you are interested.

  3. @Matt: What will happen with Porchlights once you move to PCB? What will happen with Porchlights once you move to Chicago, and we move to the moon?

    @Jessica: I too am excited about the worship songs! I wish I could write worship song! :(

    @Janelle: HAHAHA!

  4. VERY stoked about all your musical news. Still love the beta release of the PL album you let me preview...awesome stuff.
    Cannot WAIT to hear the worship tunes...knowing you, I know they are awesome.

    And I'm excited about you guys coming here...but I feel your nervousness too. Been praying for you a lot.

  5. Hooray for Porchlights!

    Ugh moving is definitely not my favorite thing. I will be praying for you guys too!

  6. I want to move to Panama City... Matt just take me instead of Janelle, and I'll support us!

    P.S. I'm just kidding, but for real - I am stoked to hear about your worship music creation. I have also tried to write worship songs and have hit a similar wall... except my wall extended to writing, dancing, working, showering and thinking as well. But one by one God must tear down the walls... right?
