Thursday, April 8, 2010

i just farted at work...

Howdy yall! I hope its okay that I'm posting again, but I FINALLY thought of something to say.

First of all, Dr. Green has me working on the clinic website which is kind of exciting considering I don't know anything about anything. But, me being me, I have updated home page photo to current non pixelated one, I have inserted hyperlinks giving people a map to where the clinic is located and have put up a photo gallery which has pictures of the pets with santa. Now, I won't give you the web address because you guys would say "well the website still looks like its from 1998"... so instead, imagine the most beautiful website you've ever seen and then pretend that's the one I made. thank you.

this Sunday is Alpha sunday! I'm really excited. It's from 9a-2p at Lee Brookins house. He talks about the holy spirit and then we all go down to the beach, and those who want to get baptized. A girl came to our group on Tuesday and started to cry a little and said, "I finally felt God!! I know he's real now" and went on to tell her story of how that happened. It's exciting to see God really working in these peoples lives. Matt and I have watched them grow so much and it has been such a blessing to be apart of it. Last week was the first week where some of them started to pray for one another and it was all very exciting... I was telling jess it was like the book (Adrian Plass diary) said, "I wanted to see someone get healed, but I never expected God to show up..."

anyway, that's what's going on with me. God is also proving to Matt and I daily that he will provide for us with the moving fund and that's exciting too... except when I realize that I suck at trusting him.

love you guys!!! Missing bradley and jamie extra lately-

Also- June 5!!!! Eileen is having a reunion concert/ 'everyone is moving soon party' hosted by matt's parents, all of you are invited and should come out to j-ville,

that is all..



  1. Haha, obviously we have desk jobs where we get a lot of free time. We posted almost at the same time! Sounds like you're doing wonders for your job's website. Way to go little sister! I'll be sure to continue to pray for your alpha girls. Love you!

  2. I see the web-site in my mind...and it's beautiful!

    Alpha sounds awesome...and last night at our Wed meeting, I kept imagining how nice it would be to shake things up and do some things differently. It's great to hear how God is using you guys.

    June 5th...hmmmm. Have to put that in the noggin to stew for a bit, since we're already going to Chi-town in June....but MAN, that would be fun to hear Eileen play again!

    Thanks for the newsy update!

  3. That's so awesome that you get to watch their lives transform like that!

    I want to go to the website and see more pictures of cats with Santa!

  4. Hey! I found the website:


    Yeah, it looks a little dated, but I think you did a great job!

    I'm glad to hear Alpha is going so well! I pray for you and Matt daily!

  5. Great website, thanks for posting that Bradley!

    Loved your update Janelle. Sorry, I have nothing clever to say, but what do you expect from a bookkeeper.


  6. yes dad you guys should make it out!! I know matt's parents would love to see you and carl rants on about you guys daily. He's been much crankier ever since he's been home. I think the other cats kept him in check a little bit...

    Bradley that picture made me laugh really loud at work... which we all know is forbidden so thanks a lot.

    love you guys- thanks for all the comments that make me feel warm inside like butter cookies

  7. I think you should be very happy with the way the website turned out Janelle. Also it looks like your last post was at 4:30 in the morning? I hope you're sleeping alright... Nevertheless, I enjoyed your post and am happy to hear that your boss is involving you with even more operations at the clinic. In the eternal words of Tim and Eric, Great Job!

  8. Dan- that's too funny "in the eternal words of Tim and Eric"...because I'VE been saying "in the IMMORTAL words of Tim and Eric"...with only a very few people knowing what I'm talking about!

    So...great job!

  9. hey! i miss brad and james toooooo!!!! -matt
